Each company has its own unique way of conducting its business, so it is often necessary to customize certain Odoo modules. FocoSolution helps you in this customization according to your company's needs.
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One of the great advantages of Odoo is that you don't have to be tied to a single supplier. Odoo is a framework that has its own technical standard established since the first versions and this makes maintenance much less complex than traditional technologies.
Cases where an application requires maintenance:
Improvements to meet new business rules
Add new integration, either with an internal or external application
Repair of previously unidentified defects
Performance improvement due to growing volume of managed data
Update the Odoo version, thus ensuring a performance improvement
Want to know how it works in 6 steps:
1. Contact us
We need to know your real need, so feel free to contact us and tell us about how we can help you.
4. Study and implementation
We will study the source code of your application and implement the necessary changes.
2. Preparation of the Proposal
Based on our conversation, we study your needs and prepare a proposal for your approval.
5. Test presentation
We will deploy the changes to the test environment for your team to investigate the changes made.
3. Odoo code access
Once our proposal is approved, we will request access to the source code of your Odoo application.
6. Deploy in Production
We make the new module available so that your IT team can deploy in production.